Terms & Conditions
- The admin who manages the Destiny Jodoh portal is the only person who can see any personal information. Admins are not allowed to disclose any personal information about other users to third parties.
- Each registered account cannot be transferred or shared with anyone.
- If you have found a partner and want to delete your account, send us an email to destinyjodoh@gmail.com.
- Destiny Jodoh has complete authority and discretion to issue warnings, close accounts, and take other appropriate actions if any user is suspected of fraud, manipulating other users, providing false information, or any other reason. Destiny Jodoh has the ability to perform this action at any time and without notice or warning.
- Destiny Jodoh does not guarantee that the website and services provided by Destiny Jodoh are free of virus threats, intrusions, and contain accurate information at all times, or that they are free of any other errors. Users are fully responsible for any risks encountered while using the Destiny Jodoh portal, including the intrusion of personal data sent to us by users.
- In any situation, Destiny Jodoh will not be responsible for any injury, accidents, consequences, or claims arising from the services provided on the Destiny Jodoh Portal. This includes whether it was caused by user fault or Destiny Jodoh’s own negligence. This includes any claims by the user or any other party for costs and damages.
- These terms and conditions may change sometimes. Destiny Jodoh shall not make any statement if the terms and conditions are changed. The latest terms and conditions on this portal, which will apply and be complied with, are the latest. It is the responsibility of users to review from time to time the updated conditions on this portal
- The Destiny Jodoh service is provided free of charge, with no hidden costs. Fi Sabilillah.